Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Jenna Bush On The TODAY Show

This young woman is a carbon copy of her mother Laura. They read a script like they are in the first grade, standing in front of the class reading out loud while desperately trying to hold their pee.

Is this the TODAY shows way of making fun of the Bushes? Well it's working!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


No it's not Halloween and I don't have a lisp...
A few years ago I finally learned how to us a computer. I was starting to feel like I was the only person on earth who didn't.
When people asked why I didn't learn, I said I didn't have time. That was true. From what I saw, it looked like something that destroyed relationships and lives. My husband was always on it. It nearly wrecked our relationship.
I was under the impression that computers were supposed to make life easier. Perhaps it does make work easier for a lot of folks. But it also cost employers billions of wasted dollars for all those employees that spend countless hours surfing the net, playing games, Face-Fucking Book, plus Tweeting on their cell phones, on their bosses time. Not to mention all the porn guys are looking at while "working". And those sticky keyboards. Yuck!
I'm quite sure they pass those savings along to us.
I just don't know how people find time to watch "reality TV" with all this shit they have to do on the computer.
My daughter made me a Facebook account as soon as she heard about me coming into the 21st century. I found it to be quite interesting, for a minute or two. Within a few months I had hundreds of new BFF's. We were always LOL! But then it happened... I started making "honest" comments about the things people were posting. Telling young women they could do better than that "Thug" looking boyfriend they just posted a pic of.
Just when I thought things couldn't get any more mundane...
Then came TWITTER! "i just woke up", "my job sucks", "it's raining and i had planned to go outside today"! JFC! I did TWEET one time. My account was cancelled because of foul language. Well I didn't want to use that fucker anyway! A few months later they invited me back. I declined.
Computers have replaced "screwing around" as the number one cause for divorce in our country today. Wow
For years I asked people what Cyber Sex was. I couldn't really understand their answers. I couldn't see anywhere you could be "hooked up" to anything! I did notice my husband having a cigarett after turning the computer off occasionally. Hum
Guess my ego isn't big enough to warrant the time I would need to spend on Facebook and TWITTER, just for a little stroking.
TWITTER: From the Greek word "TWIT". Meaning: FOOL