Monday, March 22, 2010

Breast Implants Cheap!

Breast, boobs, tits. titties, fun bags, hooters.

If you call them anything besides what they are "breast", you are an IDIOT! You are one of the people objectifying women.

Everywhere we look there is cleavage. Every store you walk into, the doctors office, sports games, children's birthday parties and yes, church! I haven't been to church in forty years :) but I know there is inappropriate dress everywhere these days.

Women feel the need to be HOT! Just wait a few years when MENOPAUSE sets in honey...

I also hear women say "I want bigger BOOBS to feel better about myself". Do you want to know what you sound like? You sound like a BIG TIT! Jesus F-inf Christ you are stupid! You may as well get a "pole" installed in every room of your house because that is all a man will ever see in you! As Dan Aykroyd use to say: Jane you ignorant slut"!

There is nothing wrong with wanting to feel good about the way you look. That's perfectly natural. But to alter your appearance with breast surgery or even a padded bra is saying "that's ALL you are"!

I have never had a shortage of men checking me out and I'm sixty one years old now. It's actually worse because most of my life I was (on the small size)a 34B. Now that I'm older for some reason I'm a 36C and I see men staring strait at my breast when I pass them. And even when I'm with my husband. He's heard me say to them: "what are you looking at"?

I just find it disgusting. These are your sons, brothers, boyfriends and husbands. And yes, your grandfather!

How can we expect our men to behave in a decent manor when we present ourselves as OBJECTS?

Yesterday I was getting my hair cut by a very pretty twenty four year old girl and she was telling me how hard it was to find a good guy to date. She said she hadn't dated anyone that wanted to stick around. She also mentioned something that I had heard recently about "everybody just being together" and not dating except for casually. Remember, I said she was very pretty. She was also wearing extremely tight fitting clothes and the 20inch tall heels. Nothing says HOOKER quicker than heels you have to ride the elevator to climb into!

I'm definitely not a prude. Without going into detail, I've had loads of fun and kept my dignity and self respect. All without giving second thought about the size of my breast...

The only thing CHEAP about your "breast implants" is you!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I've been watching "Oprah" since I turned on the TV one day expecting to see "RYAN'S HOPE" and there she was!
I was totally pissed. But what was not to like?
I gave up the mind numbing SOAPS years ago and became A fan of Daytime Talk.
In the beginning, watching Oprah was refreshing and enlightening. She talked about subjects our parents and their generation would rather avoid. And we were like sponges. We soaked up every word on every show. I remember thinking that I must be a freak because I had something in common with almost everyone that came on her show.
Date raped high school dropout. Married, let's say "multiple times". And that's just for starters.
As the years roll along, I, along with just about every woman in America start to feel like Oprah's sister. We felt her heartache and she felt ours.
Since we pretty much grew together as "sisters" I expected we would all evolve together as "sisters".
Here's my issue:
Oprah seems to be a lot more into "The Dumming Down of America"! She does shows about "pole dancing" and "looking sexy". The programing has taken a turn toward "reality TV" (which by the way has nothing to do with reality).
I'm not a feminist. I'm an anti-feminist feminist. Meaning: I know women have all the pussy and we're the ones in control already. Duh!
By now I would have thought she would have gotten that message across to the "rest of you women"! NO! Instead, she's telling you that what you need to look and feel sexy!
OMG Oprah! It's 2010! Just because you have a vagina doesn't mean you have to do the cooking, cleaning, child rearing and be a "bring home the bacon in four inch pumps sex kitten"!
We are the victims of rape and murder. All because we have a vagina. There are one hundred and twenty five THOUSAND level three sex assault criminals on the streets! Why aren't you doing a show every other day about that? There are thirty THOUSAND rapes of women and children EVERY MONTH in this country! You could be doing a show about that on the alternate days that you aren't doing one about the level three criminals. I bet you could change the way the whole justice system protects these criminals if you wanted to.
Teach women that they don't need to feel SEXY. They need to feel smart, confident and powerful. TRUE MEN are actually more drawn to women who have those qualities.
It's too late to go back to your core values Oprah. Stop keeping women repressed!