Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Can You Say: Catapedaphobia?

I was watching this thingy on PBS that, instead of paying $35 for, someone pulled right out of the air! For free!
It's about what makes us happy and unhappy.
I'm not sure what this has to do with Catapedaphobia except for the fact that I have always had it and didn't know what it was called until I heard Katie Couric saying she has it!
WOW! I have two things in common with Katie Couric. We both have vagina's and Catapedaphobia.
Definition: Not of vagina you dope!
Catapedaphobia: Fear of jumping from heights. I'm not afraid of falling. I feel a strong urge to jump! And look up the correct pronunciation of height. You may find out that you have been mis-pronouncing it all your (wanted to say "fucking" there, but decided against it) life.

Do you have a fobia? Tell me all about it...

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