Tuesday, January 12, 2010


For those of you who still don't get it, listen up!
Pity is the last thing in the world I want, or need.
This is me shedding all my pain. It's about setting myself free. I want to smile just because it feels natural. Not to cover up the fear, insecurity and pain.
And I'm sick and tired of the person at the checkout acting like they care how I'm doing. Yesterday (with a very sad expression) I actually told the guy at the bagel shop that I wasn't doing well and that I was feeling homicidal. He said: that will be $10.60!


Anonymous said...

OK, I have never thought of pitying you. Your outpouring of words is just that, your words and you're sending them our way. You Rock Elaine and I've always thought that. We have all been through a bunch of shit, going through a bunch now and probably will in the future (although, I'm ready for it to stop). Life is to be lived, celebrated enjoying food, men, the beach and our dear fucked up friends! Love you. VB

divine48 said...

Never doubted that you wouldn't be anything but understanding and supportive.
I must keep going to the bitter end to be rid of my demons.
I know plenty of people have endured much more. this is some thing I've know for years I would eventually have to do. I only have six or seven left.
I'm already feeling less burdened with secrets.
Luv U 2 :) EE